Aging and longevity: scientific literature explained

Extend the healthy and active years of human life into old age, delay aging, increase longevity: these are some of the oldest human dreams. Since the 1990s, a fast-growing number of scientists, entrepreneurs, or investors have dedicated their work to bringing the aging process into light and to exploring the possibilities of delaying, stopping or reversing it. Today, science is offering broadened knowledge and many promising opportunities, driven by the convergence of nano- and biotechnology, IT and cognitive sciences. You can find here tutorials and reviews on the different aspects of the fight against aging.


The mission of Long Long Life is to make knowledge available to all, in order to give everyone the possibility to choose longevity.

You can read the files written by Long Long Life on all longevity topics :

Telomeres and aging

Telomeres, at the heart of the aging process

Telomeres: at the heart of the aging process What are telomeres? In the nucleus of each of...

Part 1: Telomere Shortening: Causes, and Consequences on Aging

Telomere Shortening: Causes, and Consequences on Aging Many studies point out that telomere shortening is associated...

Part 3: The central role of stem cells and telomeres in the aging process

Part 3: The central role of stem cells and telomeres in the aging process Spent stem...

Part 2: Telomerase influence on telomeres and aging

Telomerase influence on telomeres and aging Telomerase mutations causing aging acceleration Telomerase is the enzyme in charge...

Part 5: Fight aging with telomere therapy

Telomeres and aging: what therapies? Telomeres are short DNA segments located at the end of all...

The measure of aging

Measuring aging: what is your physiological age?

Measuring aging: what is your physiological age? Physiological age, a measure of aging Physiological age and chronological...

Part 1 : Measuring aging with Physiological Cartography

Measuring aging with Physiological Cartography (Cartographie Physiologique®) Among the many techniques used today to measure aging,...

Part 2: The pace of aging: a promising set of biomarkers?

The pace of aging: a promising set of biomarkers? A recent study from the Proceedings of...

Part 4: Towards a metrology of aging with telomeres

Measuring aging: Telomeres as witnesses of physiological age Telomere length is a very precise tool to...

Part 3: DNA methylation, a promising tool to measure aging?

DNA methylation: a powerful epigenetic regulator Throughout our lives, our DNA undergoes modifications linked to our...

Epigenetics of aging and longevity

Epigenetic alterations as a cause of aging

Epigenetic alterations as causes of aging Aging can be defined as all the phenomena that mark...

Part 1: Aging and epigenetic alterations

Aging : Molecular mechanisms of epigenetic alteration Epigenetics is the study of the mechanisms that act...

Part 2: Epigenetics and non-coding RNA: miRNAs and LncRNAs in the aging process

Part 2: Epigenetics and non-coding RNA: miRNAs and LncRNAs in the aging process In addition to...

Part 3: Epigenetic clock, a powerful tool to measure aging

The epigenetic clock is a biomarker of aging Epigenetic alterations, which are one of the nine...

Part 4: Epigenome editing, a new anti-aging technology for longevity

Epigenome editing, a new anti-aging technology for longevity Epigenetics includes all the mechanisms that regulate gene...

Genomics, etc. : “omics” approaches in the fight against aging

Part 1: Understanding genomics for anti-aging research

Genomics is the study of the genome, that is to say, the entirety of our...

Understand aging with genomics, proteomics, and all things -omics!

Understand aging with genomics, proteomics, and all things -omics! "Omics" approaches are a set of analytical...

Part 2: RNA, miRNA, what’s transcriptomics analysis in anti-aging research?

Transcriptomics is the intermediate step between DNA and proteins. However, there are also non-coding RNAs,...

Part 3: Hack aging with the study of proteomics!

We have talked about DNA and RNA, now it is time to focus on proteins....

Part 4: Metabolomics, the last of the anti-aging “omics”

Metabolomics is the study of the metabolome, i.e. all the metabolites present in a cell,...

Aging and cellular stress

Cellular stress and aging: the inevitable duo?

1001 ways to stress a cell Stress: oxidative, hypoxic, thermic, chemical, osmotic, inonizing, genotoxic... so many...

Part 1: The different types of cellular stress in aging

What is cellular stress? In an organ, there is a balance between the growth and death...

Part 2: Organelles affected by cellular stress in aging

How to stress a cell As we saw in the previous section, there are several types...

Part 3: How to deal with cellular stress as you age

Thanks to part 1 and 2 of this series, we are now familiar with the...

Hallmarks of aging

Biological causes of aging and lifespan limitation

Biological causes of aging and lifespan limitation. we learn about aging, the more it seems like it might not be an inescapable consequence of life.

Aging 101: Biological causes of aging

Biological causes of aging Introduction : Aging can be defined as the sum of all the mechanisms...

Video: The 9 Hallmarks of Aging, episode 1, DNA damage – Guilhem Velvé Casquillas, PhD

The 9 Hallmarks of Aging, episode 1, DNA damage Have you switched on subtitles on...

[Video] The 9 Hallmarks of Aging, Episode 2, Telomere shortening – Guilhem Velvé Casquillas, PhD

The 9 Hallmarks of Aging, Episode 2, Telomere shortening Have you switched on subtitles on...

Video: The 9 Hallmarks of Aging, episode 3, Epigenetics – Guilhem Velvé Casquillas, PhD

Video: The 9 Hallmarks of Aging, episode 3, Epigenetics - Guilhem Velvé Casquillas, PhD Did you...

Feel free to read our content on anti-aging supplements, as well as our lifespan news.

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